Classes this month
*** Dates for the Diary***
The following dates and class changes through October.
Tuesday nights through the winter months at Suthers School are divided to white- Green belts 6pm and Blue tag- black belts 7pm.
There are inset days and closures for 4weeks at Southwell beginning 11th October, however on 11th and 18th premises secured at Halam Village Hall for students who regularly attend that class. As this venue is somewhat smaller, please make the most of monday and wednesday nights if you live closer to those mansfield venues.
week commencing 21 October we are away in Belgium and all classes that week are cancelled.
week commencing 28 October classes are mon- wednesday only.
sunday 13 October Endeavour Girls, squad training
Finally classes recommence as usual week beginning 4 November.
***Gentle reminder, training fees were due on 1st October. Fees that are more than a week late will begin to accrue a £5 fee.
Thanks @everyone
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